Collection: "Classic" Style Personality

As a Classic you prefer to have everything under control in work, home and social life. You are organized, you like to analyze, don’t like to waste time you can be a perfectionist. You look is timeless and polished;

  • You value quality fabrics;
  • You like perfect tailoring;
  • You opt for sleek and defined fit;
  • You don’t get swept up in fashions trends;
  • You prefer solid colors to prints;
  • You like designer labels.

Here’s how the “Classic” Style Personality shops:

  • You are an organized shopper and like to buy the total look;
  • You shop early each season and shop alone;
  • Will peruse Style magazines for Style inspiration;
  • Rarely shops the sale racks;
 Our Advice:
Caution! Do not get into a style rut! As a classic you may hold on to those designer pieces too long! They will make you look dated.  Invest in a closet edit to ensure you classics are up to date.