Collection: "Dramatic" Style Personality

Dramatics exude confidence and love to make and entrance. They are always ahead of the trends and dress with style. People love to see what you are going to wear next. 

  • You are a clothes horse;
  • You prefer sleeves and collars up.
  • You enjoy asymmetrical hemlines;
  • You like your color and patterns big and bold;
  • You stick to style that flatter your body shape;
  • Your outfit is often planed around your statement accessories.

Here’s how the “Dramatic” Style Personality shops:

  • You LOVE Fashion and shop all the time;
  • You visit your favorite store every week. You don’t want to miss out!
  • You hunt for unusual accessories and clothing.
Our Advice:
Since you know your style and know your shape, you have many shopping choices. Instagram and Online Shopping give you first dibs on what is new, unique and now! develop a relationship with your stylist to ensure you are informed and don't miss out when new items arrive in store.  Follow artists who create one of a kind statement pieces of jewelry and clothing.